Professional Agribusiness CEA -- Controlled Environment Agriculture Fri, 27 Sep 2019 19:02:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Professional Agribusiness 32 32 CEA! Fri, 27 Sep 2019 14:34:25 +0000 Controlled Environment Agriculture

WF Environmentally-Friendly Technology:

WELLFresh greenhouse facilities can be built anywhere, because soil quality and climate are not growing factors, as is the case of “field-grown” crops. This means that produce can be grown near wholesaler and retailer distribution points, or outside major metropolitan areas, to drastically reduce the carbon footprint and insure a short supply line, (i.e., 6-24 hours from greenhouse to market shelves or institutional buyers), providing the freshest, best-tasting produce, of the highest quality, nutrient and color, with a longer shelf life. WELLFresh is “Grown Local”, which is growing in demand by consumers.

WELLFresh is clean technology and can eventually be energy-independent, using solar, geo-thermal, wind and bio-fuel energy, to make our facility even more environmentally friendly, while producing premium produce. Renewable, sustainable and environmentally-friendly; maximizing food production, using less resources, less land, and following the lead of Government encouraging the Green industry.  In addition WELLFresh technology could possibly attract Government grants, subsidies, and tax-breaks:

“WELLFresh is the Future of Agriculture Today!”

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